Is Love In The Air?

With Valentine’s Day next week, I thought it appropriate to mention love. 

I recognize that not everyone celebrates Valentine's Day, and that's okay as I am not thinking about romantic love, or love of family or friends, or even love of your fur babies. I am thinking about YOU and ask that you reflect on the love affair you have with yourself. Now, you may wonder what a love affair with yourself is and how do you know if you are in one. 

In honor of loving yourself, it is okay to have more no's than yes's. You might ask yourself if that question(s) even matters.

How we love, in general, varies, and how we do and do not show ourselves love will vary.

All ways have a rippling effect on other areas of our lives. 

To follow is a list of telling questions. Please keep your answers to yes and no.  

  1. Do you prioritize your needs before others? 

  2. When you are thirsty, do you drink water?

  3. At the end of a hard day, do you allow yourself a few minutes to catch your breath before you move into your evening activities?

  4. Do you NOT compare yourself to others?

  5. Do you easily forgive yourself when you make mistakes?

  6. Are you cool with not everyone liking you?

  7. When you are tired, do you rest?

  8. Do you surround yourself with loving, kind people?

  9. Do you stand up for yourself?

  10. Do you celebrate your successes?

  11. Are you loving and kind to yourself?

  12. Do you listen and act on what your body is telling you?

  13. Do you take time to play?

  14. Do you believe you are worthy of good things?

  15. Do you know your strengths?

How many questions did you answer yes?

How many did you answer no?

Are there areas you could love yourself more?

In honor of loving yourself, it is okay to have more no's than yes's. You might ask yourself if that question(s) even matters. How we love, in general, varies, and how we do and do not show ourselves love will vary. All ways have a rippling effect on other areas of our lives. 

These thought-provoking questions are no joke and are designed to help you think about your relationship with yourself. As you already know, relationships of the heart take time, effort, and work. The relationship with yourself is no different. 

Today and always, we wish you an abundance of love! 

We have our upcoming workshops and programs. We invite you to join us at our next event or contact us today to learn more. 


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