Unleash Your Inner Power: Why Strength Training is a Must for Women Over 40

Unleash Your Inner Power: Why Strength Training is a Must for Women Over 40

What does it mean to be “strong”?

There are many definitions for this adjective:

  1.  Powerful, muscular, brawny, well built, powerfully built, strapping, sturdy, fit, tough…

  2. Well, healthy, in good health, git, robust, vigorous, thriving, bursting with health, in good shape, in good condition…

  3.  Forceful, determined, spirited, tough, self-assertive, resolute, strong-minded.

Strength training can be weights, resistance bands, and even your own body weight.

While all of these are admirable traits, today is about muscle strength—being physically strong. But this does not have to be the muscular and brawny type of strong, but the in-good-condition type of health.  

Welcome to the world of strength training, where lifting weights isn't just about building muscles (and it doesn’t always have to be “weights”) but about why strength training is so important to us throughout life – as far as the end as possible.

So, why exactly is strength training so necessary for women over 40? Here are FIVE reasons:

  1. Strong Bones: Let’s talk about bone health because it's kind of a big deal, especially as we glide into menopause. Strength training isn't just about building muscles; it's also about keeping those bones sturdy and resilient. By lifting weights and challenging your muscles, you give your bones the support they need to stay strong and dense (a good thing).

  2. Revved Metabolism: Metabolism is the word we love to hate. How does strength training help your metabolism? As we age, our metabolism tends to slow down – it’s a gradual progression, but it happens. But with strength training, muscle burns more calories than fat, so you can help burn more calories overall (basic metabolism there) – all day, every day. There are no gimmicks here when you have those muscles.

  3. Flexibility: Whether reaching for those shoelaces or something on the top shelf, flexibility is critical throughout life. Strength training isn't just about getting “toned” but also about enhancing flexibility and mobility. By incorporating strength exercises into your routine, you'll be able to bend, twist, and reach without your body constantly reminding you how many years you’ve been here.

  4. Mental Health: Did you know that lifting weights (or using those resistance bands) could also lift your mood? Strength training isn't just a physical workout; it's also a mental one. When you challenge yourself to push past your limits and do one more rep (safely), you're not just building muscle but also boosting your confidence and releasing stress.

  5. Age Is a Number, Not a Barrier: Whether you're 40, 50, or beyond, there is always time to start strength training and reap its numerous benefits. Many women in their 90s are still strength training and lifting weights — you could be one of them one day.

Strength training isn't just about building muscles; it's about embracing your inner power, boosting your confidence, unleashing your full potential, and keeping you healthy.

Remember, it's not about the destination; it's about the journey, and with strength training the journey is so much more fun!

Lift, laugh, and love! Stay strong inside and out!


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